How do I create a site?

Add new sites to your account directly from your Zeller Dashboard or Terminal.

Sites allow you to separate your transactions if you have multiple business locations. You can create many sites, either from your Zeller Dashboard or Zeller Terminal.  

From your Zeller Dashboard

Select Payments, then Sites and then Create new site.

In creating a site, you will be prompted to:

  1. Select whether the terminal is for Mobile or Fixed location usage. 
  2. Input the site name.  
  3. Input the site PIN, which your team members will use to log in to accept payments. 
  4. If your site is fixed, enter its address including the suburb, state, and postcode.  
  5. Click on the Create button.

Your site will now be created, and you are now able to assign terminals and users to this site. 

From your Zeller Terminal

Ensure that you are logged in to the terminal with an Admin user account. To get started:  

  1. Select the three horizontal lines on the top left-hand corner of your screen. 
  2. Select Assigned site.
  3. Select Create new site.

Please note Zeller Terminals can only be assigned to one site at a time. If you require further assistance with managing your sites, please contact our Support team