Unauthorised modification to your Zeller Terminal

Any unauthorised modifications to your terminal can cause security vulnerabilities, degraded performance, and reduced customer confidence.

Terminal Security 

Credit and debit card fraud is a growing problem for merchants with payment terminals at their in-store locations. By default, Zeller Terminals do not store customer information or card details.

However, criminals can try to get around this by making changes to a device that has been left unattended or replacing it with one that has already been modified to capture this information and loading it onto counterfeit cards to steal funds. This is also known as card skimming. 

Fraudsters may:

  • modify a terminal that has been left unattended
  • steal a terminal that has been left unattended 
  • pretend to be a certified service technician 

Please note: Zeller will not physically service or replace your terminal. Any changes to your hardware must go through our warranty and returns form. 

Your Zeller Terminal is designed with in-built security features to secure and protect sensitive information. You can reduce the risk of credit and debit card fraud by adding the additional safeguard practices below. 

Protect your Zeller Terminal 

Get to know your terminal. Keep a record of the model, serial number, and all cables that are connected.

  • Inspect your Zeller Terminal to check for any additional cables or visible damage. 
  • Ensure CCTV does not have a clear view of your customers entering their PIN. 
  • Ensure your Zeller Terminal is supervised at all times and not left unattended.  
  • Ensure your Zeller Terminal is in a secure location and out of reach. 
  • Only allow authorised personnel and trained staff to use your Zeller Terminal. 
  • Never allow your Zeller Terminal to be serviced, swapped out, or removed. 

Take action on suspicious behaviour

Take immediate action if:

  • your terminal appears to be tampered with or is damaged
  • you are approached by someone to inspect or service your terminal 
  • you notice any unusual behaviour from customers around your terminal or security cameras
  • your terminal has gone missing 

If you have reason to believe your Zeller Terminal has been stolen or tampered with, call our Support team immediately on 1800 935 537 for further assistance.