How do Split Payments appear in my transaction history?

Keep track of Split Payments and related transactions in the Transaction Details screen.

Each Split Payment is treated as an individual transaction in your transaction history list.

Locate the transaction to view further details of the Split Payment such as:

  • Split Type

  • Initial Keyed Amount

  • Remaining balance (in case the split payment was cancelled)

  • Date and time of the first payment

Zeller Terminal 

  1. Tap on Transactions from the navigation menu. 
  2. Scroll or use the search filters to locate the Split Payment transaction. 
  3. Tap on the transaction to view the Transaction Details screen
  4. Tap the Split Payment Details link. 

Zeller Dashboard

  1. Navigate to Payments > Transactions
  2. Scroll or use the search filters to locate the Split Payment transaction. 
  3. Click on the transaction to view the Transaction Details screen
  4. Click the Split Payment Details link. 

Zeller App

  1. Tap on Transactions from the navigation menu. 
  2. Scroll or use the search filters to locate the Split Payment transaction. 
  3. Tap on the transaction to view the Transaction Details screen
  4. Tap the Split Payment Details link. 

If you have any concerns regarding Split Payment reporting, please get in touch with our Support team