How to apply discounts to items?

Discount individual items when processing a sale.

When discounting items individually, it's important to remember that:  

  • Percentage discounts are deducted first.
  • Followed by Fixed amount.

To get started, login to your Terminal 2:

  1. Add items to the sale from the home or favourites screen.

  2. Tap the Cart Icon at the bottom of the screen.

  3. Tap on the item row.

  4. Select Manage Item Discount.

  5. Choose which discount from the available options and tap Apply.

  6. The discount will be applied, and the new price calculated.

To remove an item-level discount:

  1. Tap on the item row thats discounted.
  2. Select Manage Item Discount.
  3. Tap Remove then Select Apply.
  4. The discounts will be removed, and the item total will be recalculated.

If you experience any difficulties with your discount management, please get in touch with our Support team for assistance.