How do I make a BPAY payment?

Use the BPAY transfer option from your Zeller Transaction Account.

Pay and manage your bills only by entering in your BPAY payment details when initiating an external transfer. To get started, sign in to your Zeller Dashboard:
  1. Click on Accounts from the navigation menu.
  2. Click Transfer, on the top right of your screen.  
  3. Select the Zeller Transaction Account using the drop-down list.
  4. Select the BPAY transfer option. 
  5. Enter in your Biller Code.
  6. Enter in your payment details. 
    1. Customer Reference Number
    2. Nickname
    3. Amount
  7. Link to New or Existing Contact. 
    1. If it is an existing contact, enter the name or select them from the list.
    2. To create a new contact, select Add Business.
      1. Enter in the contact name and click Save
  8. Click Continue. 
  9. Review the Payment Summary screen and select Pay

Your Zeller Transaction Account balance will be deducted immediately. Please allow 1-2 business days for processing to complete. 

BPAY transfers will also appear in your transaction history for you to reconcile. 

If you experience any issues with transferring funds via BPAY, please get in touch with our Support team.