How do I mark a notification as read?

There are three ways to mark a notification as read.

Notifications you receive via your Zeller Dashboard can be cleared in a few clicks. 

To mark a single notification as read: 

  • Click on the unread notification to expand and read it. This will automatically mark it as read. 
  • Click on the small dot on the right hand side of the notification. 

You may also want to bulk mark your notifications as read. To do this from the Notifications screen:

  1. Click Manage
  2. Click Mark all as read. 

All notifications will turn white and the red circle next to Notifications will disappear.

If you read a notification and then want to mark it as unread so you don't forget it, you can click on the small dot on the right hand side of the notification. 

If you require further assistance with managing notifications, please get in touch with our Support team