How do I integrate WPOS with Zeller Terminal?

Contact WSoft Support to assist with configuration before connecting your Zeller Terminal

To connect your WPOS Point of Sale with Zeller, you will need to contact their support team to initialise the connection.

To complete all the required steps, please ensure you have the following:

  • WPOS Terminal 
  • Zeller Terminal
  • Credentials for your WiFi network that your terminal is connected to

Once you are ready to get started, follow the steps below;

Contact WSoft Support

  1. Contact WSoft Support on (02) 8581 3272.
  2. Let the WSoft support agent know you are setting up a Zeller Terminal via Linkly. 
  3. Provide your business details, and get the WSoft support agent to provide you with the WiFi credentials for your WPOS terminal. This will be required for connecting with your Zeller Terminal.

Next, the WSoft support agent will access your POS terminal remotely to begin the setup and configuration process. 

WSoft Support Setup

The WSoft support agent will complete the following steps:

  1. Download the Zeller - Linkly software via
  2. Install the Linkly software onto your WPOS terminal.
  3. Restart the WPOS terminal once the download is complete. 

The WSoft support agent will then move on to configure your WPOS terminal to communicate with the Linkly Client. 

Now that the configuration is complete, the support agent will ask you to turn on your Zeller Terminal to complete the setup. 

Zeller Terminal Configuration

Hibernate and sleep settings can interfere with the POS communicating with your Zeller Terminal and will need to be disabled. To do so:

  1. Tap Settings from the navigation menu. 
  2. Select Screen Settings > Device Hibernate
  3. Toggle on Never when plugged in
  4. Toggle off Device Hibernate.
  5. Press the back arrow and tap Sleep mode
  6. Toggle on Sleep mode and set the inactivity timer to 1 hour

Before you complete the following steps, please ensure your Zeller Terminal is connected to the same WiFi network as your WPOS terminal. 

  1. From the Navigation Menu select POS
  2. Tap POS System Setup
  3. Search and select WPOS
  4. Enter the Host name of the POS terminal and tap Next. 
  5. Enter the IP address for your WPOS terminal. This can be obtained from WPOS support, and is generally in the format 192.168.XX.XXX.
  6. Leave the Port setting at the default (2012). 
  7. Select your display preferences and tap Next
  8. Tap Start Using POS

Your WPOS terminal and Zeller Terminal will now be connected to accept integrated payments. 

To verify this, please complete the following checks:

  • Confirm that the Linkly client is connected to the Zeller Terminal, by checking in the system tray on your WPOS terminal (this is in the bottom right corner of your WPOS Terminal, on the Windows screen). You will want to check on the Linkly Client icon, that the letter "C" is illuminated green.
  • Complete a test transaction. 

If you experience any issues with integrating your WPOS system, please get in touch with our Support team for further assistance.