How do I access Pay at Table mode?

View open tables and accept payment via Zeller Terminal.

With Pay at Table on Zeller Terminal, customers can pay table-side, split bills, and add a tip — while leaving your H&L POS open for other staff to use.

Pay at Table mode can be accessed on Zeller Terminal by following the below steps:

  1. Your terminal has 3 modes:
    1. Card Mode: Use this mode to manually enter values and process in person card payments
    2. MOTO Mode: Use this mode to manually enter values and card details to take over the phone payments
    3. POS Mode: Use this mode to process payments from your paired POS terminal, or if Pay at Table is configured, to see a list of your open locations and tables.
  2. In the top right of your Zeller Terminal there is a MODE button. Tapping this will open the MODE menu, allowing you to select from the available modes (POS, MOTO, Card).
  3. To access Pay at Table, first ensure your account is connected to your POS system, then select POS from the MODE menu.

Your Zeller Terminal will now be in Pay at Table mode and you should be able to see your locations (if configured) and your open tables.

Exiting Pay at Table Mode
If you need to process an unintegrated Payment via the Card or MOTO modes, you will first need to exit Pay at Table mode.

  1. Tap the MODE button. 
  2. Selecting Card or MOTO mode will prompt you to enter your Site PIN. This is to ensure that only authorised users of the terminal can access other features and functionality.
  3. Enter the Site PIN and the Zeller Terminal will switch to your selected mode.

If you require further assistance with accessing Pay at Table, please get in touch with our Support team for further assistance.