How do I edit details for payments made on my Zeller Debit Card?

Understand and track your spending using Zeller Debit Card.

Utilising a third party platform called Look Who’s Charging, you will be presented with detailed information about the places you spend your money using Zeller Debit Card. When you make a payment using your card, we provide details such as the business name, address and other relevant contact information. 

The business or person is also automatically created as a contact on your account so you can continue to track future payments. 

To access this information from your Zeller Dashboard:

  1. Go to Cards.
  2. Select the appropriate card from the list. 
  3. Search for the transaction. 
    1. Locate the transaction on the list view. 
    2. Search by Contact, Date, Amount or click More Filters.
  4. Click on the transaction to bring up additional information. 

From the Details tab you can:

  • Update categories
  • Upload a receipt
  • Add notes
  • Add tags

The Contacts tab will show you all the available contact information for the business. If this is incorrect or you do not recognise the charge, please get in touch with our Support team