How to create a Modifier Set?

Avoid creating additional items with modifiers.

Modifier Sets allow merchants to add customisable options to your items avoiding the need to create additional items and therefore a smoother checkout process. To find more information view here.

To get started, log in to your Zeller App, Dashboard, Terminal 2. 

  1. Click on Items then select Modifier Sets.
  2. Click on + Modifier Set
  3. Name your modifier set - (must be unique across all your modifier sets).
  4. Add modifiers with an optional price - (up to 99 modifiers per set).
  5. Reorder modifiers if needed - (affects display order during sales).
  6. Assign the modifier set to sites you have access to.
  7. Toggle "Selection Required" on or off:
    • On: Users must select a single modifier (the first one selected by default).
    • Off: Users can select multiple modifiers or none at all.
  8. Save your changes.

The modifier set has been created and can now be assigned to items. To find out how, view here

If you experience any difficulties with your modifier management, please get in touch with our Support team for assistance.