How do I edit my GST settings for Zeller Invoices?

Adjust your GST preferences in the Items section of Zeller Dashboard.

Apply default selections to GST pricing behaviour. These options will affect the items you create and select for Zeller Invoices. 

To update your GST preferences, login to your Zeller Dashboard:

  1. Select Payments and then Items. 
  2. Click Settings. 
  3. Select your preference and click Save

GST Applicable 

Toggle this option on to enable GST by default for all new items. GST can also be edited individually during item creation. 

GST Price Display 

Choose whether item prices are displayed to customers with GST included or excluded by default.

  • GST Excluded - GST is not included in the pricing and is calculated in addition to determine the final price. 
  • GST Included - GST has already been calculated and included in the final price. 

Your selection will update the default item price display for all new Zeller Invoices, but existing invoices will not be impacted. The price display option can still be edited when creating your individual invoices. 

If you experience any difficulties with your item management, please get in touch with our Support team for assistance.